Zombie Foreclosures Eat Your Time and Your Brains!


In the movie Resident Evil Afterlife, Milla Jovovich plays an ass kicking zombie killer called Alice.  Her skills are amazing to watch, and let me assure you.  Watching her kick ass is about as motivating as it gets!  However, If there is something the Project Alice character can teach us about Real Estate is how to kick ass when it comes to vacant houses.

Why vacant houses?  Let me explain.  Have you ever heard of a Zombie Foreclosure? If not, then let me be the first to explain the concept and why it matters to you, me, and best of all, Milla.

In a Zombie Foreclosure, a homeowner has walked away from the home and it now sits unattended, and dormant.  The bank however, has not yet taken possession of this property.  This now leaves this home in a state of disrepair and dormancy without being available for sale.   You have doubtless seen them in your area as well as I have in mine.  The natural idea for the new investor is to spend a lot of time tracking down the former owner, and trying to buy then flip the home.  In fact, there are quite a few courses that are for sale to help you locate a vacant home.

My question is.. Why?

Why would you ever want to track down a seller who is upside down in their property?

I mean, I will concede that the Seller is certainly motivated in many cases.  Probably a higher propensity of time.  However, the question remains.

Are they able?
I mean, I appreciate that you want to help everyone.  Certainly couldn’t ask for a higher motivated client.

I guess the ultimate question really is this…

Is that the best you can do?

Is that really what you want for your business and your life?  To fight Zombies all day?  I mean, really.  As an REO and a Short Sale Agent, I can assure you, that is not a fun life.

I think the main reason why is that we are conditioned to believe that it is the only way to get business.

What if I told you that you could learn to generate business at will?  You certainly can!  When you learn how to generate NOW business on your own, instead of having to buy Zombie Business, then you will truly have a sexy business!  The Two On One Coaching Program is specifically designed to give you in 30 days a business model to follow.  Learn how it can benefit you here!


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