Lead Generation For the 21st Century Part 1

Lead Generation, the Key To Success For as long as I can remember in my real estate career, I’ve been inundated with the training necessary to find motivated leads who are willing to buy and sell property. In fact, finding Motivated Sellers has seldom been a problem in my career.  I suppose its either luck,… Read More

Faith Healers and Real Estate Gurus

I’ve Reached A Frustration Level Maybe it’s because I’ve been in “the Business” of real estate for nearly 20 years. Maybe it’s because I devote so many hours teaching and training Realtors® and Wholesalers the intricacies of using “Sales Skills for Real Estate Investors”. However, my frustration level is reaching a boiling point. Recently I… Read More

Ask and Ye Shall Receive? Thanks Google Hummingbird!

I recently found an article in CopyBlogger in which the author Eric Enge outlines how this now allows those who are “serious content creators”  an advantage in keyword searches.  In a nutshell, in the opinion of this ever so humble author, this is the “Great Equalizer” we have been looking for!  So long trolls from… Read More