Faith Healers and Real Estate Gurus

I’ve Reached A Frustration Level Maybe it’s because I’ve been in “the Business” of real estate for nearly 20 years. Maybe it’s because I devote so many hours teaching and training Realtors® and Wholesalers the intricacies of using “Sales Skills for Real Estate Investors”. However, my frustration level is reaching a boiling point. Recently I… Read More

Does Getting A Real Estate License Help Or Hurt You?

It’s a Tough Choice Sometimes, when you are an investor, you may sometimes consider getting your real estate license.  The reasons may vary, some do it for access to MLS, others to save a commission.  No matter what the reasons however, there are a few considerations you must face when contemplating getting your real estate… Read More

Why You Will Fail Your 2015 Goals…

Goal Setting for 2015? If you are setting your goals for 2015, you typically want more.  More time, more deals, more money, or more clients.  Typically, when you are planning your next years business plan, you have great ideas, goals, and dreams.   However, you and I both know that you will, in all likelihood… Read More

The Ten Advertising Commandments for Realtors® Who Invest!

Advertising, as taught by Don Draper “Whatever you are doing, it’s ok…YOU, are okay…” When I decided to add wholesaling to my business, the immediate problem was that I did not have enough leads. Trying to find a homeowner who would need my services as an Investor wasn’t exactly a “Realtor® Role” . As a… Read More