Lead Generation For the 21st Century Part 1

Lead Generation, the Key To Success For as long as I can remember in my real estate career, I’ve been inundated with the training necessary to find motivated leads who are willing to buy and sell property. In fact, finding Motivated Sellers has seldom been a problem in my career.  I suppose its either luck,… Read More

Why You Should Use a State Contract

Known For Controversy In today’s post, I will briefly try to address a controversial topic that I am known for.  Using a State Contract for your Wholesale deal. Amongst all the teachings of mine that people find the most difficult to swallow, it is this one.  The belief that you are better served by using… Read More

Faith Healers and Real Estate Gurus

I’ve Reached A Frustration Level Maybe it’s because I’ve been in “the Business” of real estate for nearly 20 years. Maybe it’s because I devote so many hours teaching and training Realtors® and Wholesalers the intricacies of using “Sales Skills for Real Estate Investors”. However, my frustration level is reaching a boiling point. Recently I… Read More

Wholesale Deal Breakdown With Real Calls And End Use Buyer!

Can Realtors® Wholesale? That is the question.. The answer of course, is an absolute YES!  The problem is… how.   While Realtors® are told in Article 4 of the Code of Ethics that they can act as a principal to the transaction, the overriding question is the “nuts and bolts.” The “what to say?” Answers for You!… Read More

What Questions To Ask When Interviewing An Investor Friendly Agent!

There are plenty of resources on How to Find an Investor Friendly Realtor® or to perhaps even a company to work for.  But there are precious few resources I have been able to find on what to actually say! Enter TenMinuteSkill You know me, I can’t leave well enough alone!  In the year 2015, if you… Read More

Real Estate Investor Training for Realtors®; Why Isn’t There More?

Real estate investor training… why isn’t there more for Realtors? We are told that real estate investment is our main source of retirement, yet we are not actively taught investment, or creative financing as part and parcel of the real estate education we receive. Secret Untold Zone However, there is a secret, untold zone in… Read More